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Scientific Rationale While large galaxy spectroscopic surveys are now able to probe efficiently the large-scale structures (LSS) at z<2, it remains too costly to probe large area at higher redshift and especially during the epoch of reionization. The key to understand this early epoch might be to focus on the large-scale emission of the intergalactic medium and the collective emission of galaxy interstellar media. This is the aim of the intensity mapping technique that uses large-scale emission of various lines to probe the LSS. This technique can apply to a large variety of tracers from the optical (Lyalpha, Halpha, [NII], [OII], [OIII]) to the 21-cm lines, including the [CII] and CO in the millimeter. Having a clear picture of the spatial distribution in the Universe of these emitters in the next decade will provide invaluable constraints to understand galaxy and LSS evolution. As first observational results are emerging and a large number of instruments are being built, a large conference promoting greater interconnectivity between cosmologists, LSS and galaxy evolution scientists, observers, modellers and simulators, data analysis and theory, and project planners is essential to build up an active and efficient community to deal with the challenges of the next decades. In 2019, the 13th Edition of the Marseille Cosmology Conference Series will be coupled with the 4th meeting of the intensity mapping conference series. Through sharing the latest results and fostering new connections the goal of the conference is to prepare the community for the emergence of new massive intensity mapping surveys and facilities for many years to come. Scope of the sessions ISM and star formation in galaxies
Gas phase history of the cosmic web
Interplay between small and large scales
Realizing the promise of intensity mapping
For each session, the format would be: Overview (30') + Invited (20') + Contributed talks (15') + Flash talks (5') + Discussion (30') Practical information RegistrationFirst, create a sciencesconf.org account (if you don't already have one) by clicking on "Login" on the top right. Use the "Register" link on the left hand side. Proceed up to the payment page. You will be redirected towards a new page "azur colloque", ingore it as the payment has not been opened as of now! Key DatesAbstract submission deadline for contributed talks : 22nd March 2019 Abstract submission deadline for flash talks: 15th May 2019 Registration deadline : 7h June 2019 Contributed talks will be standard 15 minutes talks. Flash talks will be 5 minute talks intended to advertise work and prompt one-on-one discussions in coffee. Note that flash talk speakers are advised to bring further supporting material in the form of slides (personal laptop or paper) to aid potential discussions. VenueAmphitheatre Gastaut at Pharo. The conference will start on Monday, at 10:30am and end on Friday at 1pm. Fees€400 for researchers This includes three lunches, the conference dinner and a boat cruise of the Calanques. Payment should be made using this link: https://www.azur-colloque.fr/DR12/inscription/inscription/133 by 15th June. AcceptanceNote that participation is by acceptance by the LOC and the SOC. Confirmed Invited Speakers Livia Vallini - Leiden University Science Organising Committee Guilaine Lagache - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, FR (co-chair) Local Organising Committee Matthieu Bethermin (chair) |
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